Wednesday, 27 April 2016

How to Choose a Good School Bus Routing Software?

How to Choose a Good School Bus Routing Software?
The process of organizing efficient routes is often time-consuming and complicated. Manually managing the data for school bus routing is of course inefficient and costly to your school district. Comprehensive school bus routing software solutions can automate the process of planning and scheduling safe and efficient school transportation services.
School districts, transportation providers and other community organizations can also benefit from the modern software. Let the concern be decreasing route mileage or even calculating safe reimbursements, customized solutions are available.
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The software helps:
  • Managers to locate where the bus is at any given time in case of any traffic issues or deviation from pre-planned routes
  • Parents to get alerts about student’s bus and save time by getting critical information immediately
  • School districts to create bus route maps in few minutes and increase student safety
Consider these factors while choosing a school bus routing software.
  • Compatibility – Make sure that the software of your choice is compatible with other software as well so that it will operate effectively. It should integrate with the student information systems and GPS tracking programs to offer a flawless experience for the user.
  • Reliable features – Useful features such as detailed area maps, options to schedule alternate pick-up and drop-off locations, calendar storage, and automatic bus stop assignment can help districts to meet all their routing requirements.
  • Software training - While choosing a provider, make sure to check the type of training provided and whether it will fit your requirement. Choose a company that offers web-based and in-person training.
  • Secure access to parents – An ideal school bus routing software should also allow parents to log into the system by using a username and password. This facility helps them to see exactly where their child’s bus is on the route at any given time. They will also come to know about the available bus stops and estimated arrival time.
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  • Up-to-date info – The route optimization software should have the facility to provide the user with up-to-date information from parents within the system. Plan your bus routes easily with the right information on bus stop, route maps and student relocation information.
  • Easy to use web interface – Your software should be able to produce working bus routes/maps within a few moments. By providing the system with the full list of students using the bus service and their addresses, system should create a perfect and simple route map within a few clicks in a simple graphical interface. The created map should also be integrated with the rest of the school district maps.
Make school bus routing easy with a reliable school bus routing software. Ensure that your software provider also offers ongoing support and maintenance throughout the process and beyond.

Reliable companies also offer GPS tracking systems. With this technology, school districts can monitor buses in real-time as they travel their routes. It also increases student safety and save valuable resources such as fuel and save time.

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